Sunday, February 27, 2011

Antique Wood Iron Board

series Robin Wood in Italy - (from forges Mute 55)

In the good old days when we still thought that Robin Wood to write all his comics (but already leaked through some indiscretion I Wood wrote a long piece which ended up with a list of his series arrived in Italy. "And we hope not too many stupid things you have written" I said to introduce Forges on Mute 51. Here, indeed, I take this opportunity to update the blog and correct some things ...
And of course to expand the list with the new series of the weekly Wood appeared after 2002.

Dago ( Lanciostory 49/83)

After the Niagara of words of the last two outputs Dago you will come to nausea. His narrative vicissitudes and editorials we have already outlined enough, here we recall only that he began to Lanciostory 49 of 1983 and is still being reprinted and revived: Euracomix (from No. 1 to today [Well, now on AureaComix , of \u200b\u200bcourse] ), inserts ( Skorpio 1/92-1/93, 23/94-21/95, 2/99-18/2000, 19/00-45/01 and from 46/01 to 16/03 [All inserts are dedicated to Skorpio Dago the number 32 2004 - hosted by the insert 36/03 to 31/04 contained 8 episodes from the monograph designed by Carlos Gomez] ) and his anthology series Reprint Dago. What else? Only one episode that maybe it never arrived in Italy from Argentina lost in the journey (in the cycle Roxana feels fact, the lack of an episode that would clarify what happened the night Ali ) and that this story arc has been plagued by an upset sent the wrong material: chronologically previous episodes were released after those who had to precede (things were then adjusted to Euracomix 63 and on the insert).
Speaking of episodes, "Lost" should be remembered that probably helped Barron Wood incognito for a few episodes in the 90s, but is not given to whether this association was partial or complete, nor whether any charged episodes have arrived in Italy (if that were the case, we prefer to think it was less successful episodes of the series) [Gustavo Amezaga / Manuel Morin had already replaced Wood occasionally since the early '80s] .
Finally, one last curiosity: a printing error the 47th of the second file does not contain the insert tribute page 752 of but a Dago de The Pilgrim . The Eura, however, ensured the delivery of the right page with the cover tribute (I do not know if he really did: I wrote specifically to the Euro that could not send it to me, so great was the joy of seeing at least one table The Pellegrino de without those horrible colors).
As for areas outside the Euro's gifts must be reported that several Italian designers have paid tribute to the character in the book of Lucca Comics Special Eura (1994) and his "guest Appearance" in the dossier Lucrezia in the clouds, published by Mesotti on behalf of the City of Ferrara (2003): This is a brief history of 8 plates that serves as prologue to an "exquisite corpse" which also take part Martin Mystere and Diabolik Palumbo. [Dago also appears in an episode of John Doe , also published Euro]

[Removed from the context of its original presentation this card does not say much about Dago philological but I preferred to keep it unchanged, however, by introducing only comments rather than rewrite it from scratch]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wart Removal From Lip

DAGO Interview with Carlos Trillo-1

Formation and early work in comics (from 1964 to 1974)

on several occasions said that your favorite writers at the time of his childhood were Dickens, Melville, Stevenson, and most importantly Salgari and that your imagination has developed immagine anche di classe compagne you or the teacher di inglese dai rapita pirati. Quando era bambino mai Pensato has Scrivere di qualche romanzo?

learned to read before starting school, I was very curious what they said they saw these characters in stories and in magazines. After six years and had begun to read Donald Duck magazine for our generation, is still a legend. Curious that impressed me most were the stories of what I called "the Walt Disney good." I was very interested in Mickey Mouse and filled me with puzzlement that I would have liked ducks and other ducks, as if that Mr. Walt, who was the one who put his signature to all, have wonderful moments of inspiration and moments of dull routine. I still remember, bullet by bullet, history in the Andes with the square eggs made by "Disney knew how to do things." They spent many years and was in Paris, I think that in 1979, I found a great book that compiled the best stories of Carl Barks. Sure! Disney was not the owner and creator of this world amazing. And Carl Barks was the real author, unknown to readers of the '50s.
As I was poor student in math and science, I was very good in lingua, in grammatical analysis, and several years later, in literature.
readings of letters-without-pictures arrived a little later. In my house nobody read, but I wore glasses from a very young and when you go to play soccer and the danger of breaking those glasses that are focused in only my eyes, I went swimming (the swimming was far or I could not go every day), or came home to read and listen to the radio.
radio, before television in Argentina developed slowly and did not have in my house until 1958, was wonderful. In the afternoon I did not miss a single episode of Tarzan or Sandokan, two sets that lasted many years and that was killing the development of television.
And the books were coming, I said. First the most simple and exciting as Salgari sagas, the Sherlock Holmes, the Fantomas. And of course, in the same libraries where these titles appeared, were also Stevenson, Don Quixote (short, not much, but for short) for children, Verne (who, I'll never know why I could never bear). The Oliver Twist and David Copperfield was the great revelation of my eleven years. Dickens was more intense, more "brutal" than all the others, the things that happened were not imagination, y niños que tenían amargas realidades sufrían, toda a revelación.

We know that among your favorite comics are those of Donald [1] , and in a conversation with Luca Raffaelli regretted that things would have been counted children when they were actually some good adventure stories with a very solid system. Referred mainly to the work of Carl Barks or is there some other story in particular that stimulates his imagination?

De Disney, te dije, I loved Carl Barks. And the drawings of Floyd Gottfredson, that Mickey was the "real", no pants, no modern cars with an enemy's leg. But Mickey was too fair, kind and fair, an American hero like Alan Ladd. I liked the ducks.
Ducks and three magazines also on the editorial April Cesare Civita: Kitty , little pockets Library and El Diario de Mi Amiga .
Kitty's character was a remarkable invention Oesterheld early you do not know much because it was not a cartoon. It was a story that was published "written hand "with italics drawn one by one and well illustrated by a great illustrator of the '50s and much more: Csecs. And in his review - which was coming month and punched - appeared texts of great writers - created special for publication, with beautiful characters, illustrated by high-level designers as Alberto Breccia, to cite one that is known in Italy (and which drew stories Doggy Doctor, who was a doctor of the animals in the forest.)
The library was very small little pocket format and published a story in each of its issues - the unforgettable author Beatriz Ferro, a precursor of great literature for children that developed after the Argentina - also illustrated by excellent artists.
and El Diario de Mi Amiga, that children would read a little boys because they were hidden stories "for girls" with great stories of adventures starring provided by a child. Among the illustrators of El Diario de Mi Amiga were Breccia and Hugo Pratt and these materials are poorly disseminated.

Verso gli otto anni (nel 1951 quindi circa) il conobbe Lei fumetto realistic with you Riviste d'avventura della Casa Editrice April gestita che era da Cesare Civita fled to Italy and the racial laws of the Jews along with other members, Levi, Terni and Loewenthal. At the weekly Salgari (April 1947) was followed Misterix (September 1948) and Rayo Rojo (October 1949) [2] . There was a character or series, in particular, those magazines do you like?

Editorial Abril a la Argentina amount to importantes autores de comics. Pratt, Ongaro, Battle, Letter, Paul Campani. Algunas de las series de hechas llegaban Italy, como Hombres de la Jungla (Junglemen) Tita Dynamite (Gey Carioca), Misterix , Colt the Just (Tex), Saturnino Farandola .

As Misterix special interest to the public, it quickly became a magazine whose main character, during a period followed by drawing Campani especially for publication in Argentina. And they began scripts Ongaro who moved to Argentina (which did Campani, hindering the production and forced the publisher to train scribes of his style). Letteri and Pratt also came to the plains and was forming a cast of authors, which added some Argentines and Oesterheld, Destuet, July Portas (Julio Almada was his nickname) and Walter Ciocca, great comic artist gaucho, already a legendary strip published daily in the evening newspaper La Razon: Lindor Covas, the Spook. A few years later came Charles Vogt.
With this team established in 1952 were in production the characters interested me most in those years: Sergeant Kirk (of Oesterheld-Pratt) and Bull Rockett (of Oesterheld-Campani).
Campani not soon disappear from magazines, after a period copistas de no demasiado buenos. Y Misterix paso a manos de Eugenio Zoppi, y Bull Rockett the empezó a dibujo Solano López, que le a god inusitada expresividad a los personajes.

We can say that the great development of the Argentine Historietas during his childhood was due to the economic prosperity that the country was living in the '50s or is an oversimplification and you think there were other factors more decisive? Pratt, reminiscent of that "grazed the British army steaks in Uruguay and Argentina" [3]

After the war, Argentina experienced a period of great prosperity, it is true. And this was added the Peronism, a political force that still is the most powerful country and, in general, has tried to make the distribution of wealth more equitable (forgetting the period of Carlos Menem, a leader in the 90s, tried to impose the most ruthless economic liberalism, following the recession and impoverishing recipes that can dictate where the International Monetary Fund). But comics were read, many from before. The Tony of editorial Colomba had a success for decades after 1930. titbits and The Sparrow, Editorial Manuel Lainez also pulled in those years, Strong Fist , Spinach , La Novela Semanal and several others.
What happened to coincide with the prosperity of the '45 was best magazines appeared, with much material Argentina as Patoruzito , the most successful magazine of the decade from the '45 to '55, in the formula there was plenty of adventure and the humorous story of a very good level. Prawn and Vito nerve are generally the most remembered and appreciated por la people de mi generación.

imagine that in addition to the magazines you read Abril also those of Frontera Oesterheld, who opened the business in 1957. I have some issues of magazines such as Hora Cero and Frontera and I noticed that most of the comic genre to which you belong to are not dedicated, or war and western [4] , to which is added also the specific genre of adventure gauchesca Argentina.
The reading of those cartoons, if you have had a role in its formation as a writer, and thereby serve as the most theoretical point di vista dal, a livello di linguaggio of fumetto?

In 1957 there were two phenomena that revolutionized the way of counting: Oesterheld launched its Editorial Frontiera, with magazines and Frontera Zero Hour, and comedian Landru (Juan Carlos Colombres) inaugurated a new form of humor, between the lunatic and a large vein for political joke. Perón had fallen after a pretty bloody military coup (the pilots bombed the Plaza de Mayo, the most central Buenos Aires, killing hundreds People who went to work in the most populous city offices), and this fall had loosened censorship, it was pretty hard during that first Peronism.
Tia Vicenta, the Landru humor magazine went on to sell 300,000 copies a week. Oesterheld magazines and ended the week continued stories, which were used, and suggested a few pages autoconclusivos stories. He spent, by making a comparison not know if very lucky, the story of the novel. And that forced publishers to rethink existing periodicities and the length of the stories.
The most favored was Editorial Colomba, quickly, less than a year later, D'Artagnan had thrown , comprising a significant amount of autoconclusivas stories. And that, in turn, changed their weekly e The Tony range of monthly magazines complete adventures. And Misterix took a little longer, but changed his editor - April sold it to Iago - and after a blazing start, the Mort Cinder by Oesterheld and Breccia, became a modest second line between editorial cartoons.

Il Suo esordio avvenuto è nel 1963 che per le Riviste gravitavano attorno all'orbita of Patoruzú personaggi, e creato da Dante Quinterno popolarissimo in Argentina. Per Lei realizzativa Quinterno umoristici or FECE racconti only già qualche esperienza with sceneggiatura?

Patoruzú bought me humorous short stories which were published weekly. I did some interviews to entertainment figures and came to write the plot of a story for Patoruzú Walkabout, a monthly magazine which published a long story. But I rebounded.

Sue Le prime esperienza come sceneggiatore ufficiali sono state will edizioni di fatto presso Garcia Ferré, che di Riviste type were they?

Prior to García Ferré writing stories for the characters in the editorial, I worked as a screenwriter on Misterix , where I wrote some short stories without character, and a saga that drew Caramuta, an artist who, already formed, he went to Italy and worked well in Bonelli Editore. The story was called Wapiti, beaver hunter and was a beginning which drew air from Ticonderoga of Oesterheld and Pratt. But nobody remembers ...
García Ferré had pamphlets for children, a seminar named school issues little glasses, and a monthly comic Mask. Also produced cartoons for television - Hijitus - at a rate of one minute per day. In all these ways worked a bit, but, above all, I worked a lot in typing Mask adventures Mask detective and his assistant Joe Zanzibar, the cartoon family Panconara La Familia, a y varias familia muy rare Historias of Topo Gigio of García Ferré que tenia los derechos para la Argentina [5] .

Only recently I discovered that Anteojito (which in Italian translates as 'eyeglass') was not only the name of a magazine but also of a character. Good or bad something Patoruzú , Manech and others known in Italy but Anteojito which character was it?

little glasses was a boy of great intelligence and enormous glasses, nephew of Mask, who almost always spoke in verse and adventures lived a little in the way of Donald Duck. García Ferré, an author of great children arrived, he had created, in the magazine Billiken , Pi-Pio, a chick vagabondo and adventurer who is remembered for its high quality and the number of times it was offered to the public child. That, I think, and no little glasses, was the great creation of García Ferré for the world of comics in Argentina. Little glasses was born television personality, together with his band of friends presented cleaning products, chocolates, school books, in an original attempt to advertisers spend less and appeared, with great wit, a spot along with other brands. The impact on television came the little glasses force magazine that was, for many years, selling in Argentina.

Come è l'incontro with Guillermo Saccomanno? I saw seven conosciuti un'amicizia lavoro è insieme or cream or ragazzi bambini eravate Quando?

When I moved with my wife yet, she studied Literature. And Saccomanno was his classmate. I knew him from when he came to my house to read to Emma (my wife), and in the intervals, we were talking about comics, to novels, politics. I have 26, 27 and it four or five less.

Nella sua literature compare a personaggi anche dal nome piuttosto singolare, Tony Avila, the poet detective series, insieme ad Scritti di racconti Alejandro Dolina: di storie che type were they? Solo dal titolo molto divertenti Sembrano.

Tony Avila, the poet detective Was a humorous short piece we wrote to Alexander [6] , who was my co-worker in a TV channel for the news weekly Seven Days of Editora Abril. It is the beginning of the 70s and we had fun with that world of poets who rhymed evil murderers, including the protruding ears villanísimo Rascolnicof, a terrible evil and ridiculous.

che ci sia sown a vuoto nella produzione a fumetti work Sua il 1968 e il 1972, però da alcuni lavori Occupato sui fumetti, ovvero i tre essays along with Albert Broccoli Center for El Editor. One often reads that all three were dedicated to the comic but given the titles ( Escrito El Humor, Humor El chart, Las Historietas ) seems to me that only one third was devoted specifically to comics: it is in fact so ? Or maybe the three famous essays on comics written in those years (unfortunately the sources do not agree on dates) were others who have nothing to do with those written with Broccoli?

empecé Desde 1967 a trabajar como redactor de anuncios para un canal de televisión, escriba a Teatro de obra que nunca if Estreno, en Dolina and collaboration with Manuel Evequoz, two colleagues and good friends from those years. I also did several radio programs where he did interviews and started working as a creative pubblicitario. I also wrote those books that name.
I tre libri, THE HUMOR WRITING, political cartoons and comics were dedicatio ognuna a theme: le Riviste umoristiche, ma anche le Riviste di notizie ei quotidiani, che avevano umoristiche colonne. Alcuna, in Argentina, were note molto importanti che hanno ec'erano authorities sull'umorismo puntata e non hanno scritto libri "serious." A notissimo romanzo, hopscotch, di Julio Cortazar, begins with a quote from CESAR BRUTUS, a humorist and author who wrote with grammatical errors and spelling scary (his character, CESAR BRUTUS, wanted to be a fine man but he was practically illiterate). Cortazar, one of the greatest writers from Argentina, used this text as a tribute to his favorite author, CESAR BRUTUS.
So, the first of three books was sull'HUMOR Escrita and all those who wrote humorous texts in Argentina.
The second was those who had drawn up, with cartoons, comic strips . There are many interesting and so ...
And the third was on LAS Historietas, cartoon, ma IL Fumetto diciamo REALISTIC.
saggi Sono tre with a chronology Molta documentazione e abbastanza esatta.
In 1972 I went to an advertising agency to work on the launch of a new magazine, Satyricon, where I was creative director. And it was that I contacted Satiricon Alberto Breccia, with Altuna, with Lito Fernandez. And as it turned out it was the only writing I knew how to be understood by the artists to write comics, but soon I was turning to my old dream of a lifetime ...

Noi lettori italiani abbiamo a vision, perhaps a bit 'limited Argentine magazines for us on the one hand there are those classic and reactionary Columba and other records of the newer ones, but there were many other magazines that are less known, but unfortunately that seems to have had paramount importance in the development of comics in Argentina, if only because before Skorpio and Tit-Bits have offered an alternative to Tony El , D'Artagnan, etc..
Satyricon I mean, you mentioned above, Mengano , etc.. for you too (along with designers like Altuna, Lito Fernandez Oswal) has Collaborate. Magari è
impressione only one mine, ma che fossero veramente I seeded a Fucina getto di idee a continuum. Cosa può raccontarci di questa esperienza?

Satiricon was memorabile as a magazine. Innovative and bold, professional comedians did not write, but journalists who were thrown into the adventure of satirizing reality. Its directors, Oscar Andrés Cascioli Blotta son, were both artists and have very good taste in choosing partners. I think it was a great magazine epochal finally banned by the military dictatorship.
As Mengano , a magazine similar to the previous where we cooperate much of the original cast Satyricon, which was also banned by the military.


[1] pubblicato dal 1943 in Argentina nella rivista dall'editore April Donald Duck che anche conteneva produzione di materiale non Disneyana.
[2] If interest trattava di materiale Realizzato from the "Group of Venice" which was also part of Pratt. Despite these magazines made for future fitness professionals from Argentina, beginning the production was only Italian, the only exception should be Trabuco y Trinquete Luis Destuet.
[3] ¡From Line Latina! Editions secret papers, pp. 30-31: [Ferruccio Giromini] " At that time, Argentina was a country very rich ...
[Hugo Pratt] Yes, because they had lived long on the shoulders of the war in Europe, especially exporting meat. The steaks were grazing in the British army in Uruguay and Argentina ... After the war, therefore, by emigration and immigration, arrived in Argentina for good designers, especially from Spain, who began working for various publishing houses. With those that were already there, such as Alberto Breccia, and with us that we were coming from Italy which has created an amalgam of forces of young designers. These new generations, who were beginning to be absorbed by the various publishers, inevitably were bearers of a new way of seeing and telling. And a little 'as what should have happened much later with the superheroes, with the discovery of self-examination, then we can find different ways of telling stories, more introspective. In this course it was not foreign to the experience of the war just ended. "
[4] Not consistently, anyway. There are rare examples of stories Trillo that may fall within the western genre, but turns to the comic (see The City of lost unnamed by Lanciostory 19/96).
[5] Topo Gigio, the creation of Maria Perez, enjoys great popularity even outside the Italian borders in Japan became even starred in an animated film directed by Kon Ichikawa, Topo Gigio and the Missile War ( Topo Jijio botan no sense , 1968). He had been brought to the big screen in the film The Adventures of Topo Gigio (Federico Caldura, 1961). Topo Gigio has also reduced to comic Il Corriere dei Piccoli by none other than Dino Battaglia.
[6] Alejandro Dolina is a musician, composer and writer well-known in Argentina. His radio program La Venganza serà terrible boasts high ratings for twenty years (see

Matryoshka Doll In The Philippines

Interview Carlos Trillo-0

Interview Carlos Trillo

Carlos Trillo is without doubt one of the most popular and beloved Argentine writers in Italy, perhaps the most beloved of all. Originally published in Italy for Editiemme, Books and Rizzoli-Milano Eura Editoriale, and will be the latter that his name is mostly associated, in spite of further collaboration with Editions Productions Cartoons and Comic Art
born May 1, 1943. An only child, his mother is a housewife and her father is a taxi driver. The father wants a better future for her son, so glad to see that the young Carlos read a lot. On the other hand, it teaches him to drive a car and Carlos Trillo admits that even today is not very good to drive.
Among his readings there are the classics of children's literature but also comic books. Many comic books during the period of Peronism in Argentina leaves a journal for each day of the week. Nay, more, nearly two a day, on Monday you can choose between Patoruzú and Billiken , on Wednesday between Hora Cero Semanal and El Tony, Fridays and between Interval Misterix (for the record, on Tuesday was the day of Pato Donald and Thursdays Patoruzito ). Even newspapers and magazines have their own section or the comic strips.
Carlos Trillo began working between 1962 and 1963, while still a university student - to the delight of comic fans will not become a lawyer. Comics are not yet, but fate seems to be traced: his first humorous stories appear in the journal Patoruzú fact, dedicated the eponymous character of Dante Quinterno, an institution in Argentina.
In 1966 he produced his first real script, this time for a competitor of Patoruzú : the magazine Anteojito Manuel Garcia Ferré. It is a very important period of apprenticeship under the guidance of Alberto Heredia, editor in chief at Garcia Ferré, during which you Trillo bones with the series Panconara La Familia, a rare familia muy , El Topo Gigio, El hada Patricia , Hijitus , Antifaz , all existing characters. Unique character created by him in this period is Wapiti, el cazador de castores , which appears on Misterix . The attention of professional
Carlos Trillo in this period are not directed only to comics, that even a closer look probably plays a marginal role: between articles and stories is also the author and radio host (activities which later say it was very important for writing comics) and copywriter at an advertising agency. Also write the text of the message for children El Club de Hijitus , so will the character of the witch played by Patibula Chela Ruiz.
By Alejandro Dolina, his close associate and friend of those years, writes even a play, but that will not ever be represented.
All these activities absorb it since 1968, when his collaboration with the comic book seems to stop or at least greatly rarefied - and soon the Argentine magazine for children will enter into crisis. But luck is only a temporary pause.
At the turn of the '60s and '70s out three of his essays on humor and comic book written together with the cartoonist Albert Broccoli and in 1972 his career reached a milestone: he became editor of the magazine Satiricon .
Consistent with the name of the magazine, you do so much humor and satire, but there are also many comics. That's where Trillo works for the first time with Lito Fernandez and Horacio Altuna. In 1974 he moved from Satiricon to Mengano , becoming managing editor.
not easy years for Argentine society, much less the comic book, especially if overtly political - or even veiled criticisms against the regime, be it that of Isabel Peron or the dictatorship imposed by Jorge Videla in 1976 . Satiricon is shut down in 1975 and Mengano , although by far less polemical tone, following the same fate in 1976, only four days after the coup.
Carlos Trillo back to his work as a copywriter at the port until it finds a record edition. A happy landing, considering the quality of work that builds and that will spread beyond the borders of Argentina.
Scutti and operated by Alfredo Alvaro Zerboni, produce editions of the magazines fundamental Record in Skorpio is the leader. Above all, they sell their products abroad. Trillo is widespread and known in Europe, where it is quickly recognized its value. And on
Skorpio his articles also appear on the comic strip written with Guillermo Saccomanno.
Meanwhile, since 1975, publishes the daily newspaper El Clarin the legendary strip of Buenos Aires daily El Loco Chavez designed by Horacio Altuna. The journalist Hugo Chavez takes root in the imagination of players from Argentina, and its events will be even is a TV series. The transposition from one medium to another is a destiny that will (or could have) too many other comics Trillo.

In 1978 he was awarded the Yellow Kid comic strip in the international exhibition of Lucca. It is certainly the most important, but only the first of a series: among the many awards for 4 years in a row the readers of the magazine Area 84 elect the best writer, as the jury of the Comic Exhibition in Barcelona in 1984, you will get back to the Yellow Kid Lucca '96 el'Alph'Art at Angoulême in 1999.
Through contacts with the English market and Josep Toutain, publisher of comic magazines a lot, Carlos Trillo supports a variety of masterpieces. It is on this occasion that comes into contact with Jordi Bernet which will begin with a close collaboration that lasts to this day and has produced many key works.
In the early '80s are so many fronts on which it moves Trillo: stories from issues most mature and raw to Toutain (which we admire in magazines in Italy this page), the unfading Loco Chavez and the production of more serial Skorpio .
off in 1988 with advertising. Soon it will also become editor and manager of a comic book. Meanwhile Loco Chavez has closed its cycle and replace it on El Clarin El Negro Blanco arrives, beautifully designed by Ernesto Garcia Seijas. In Argentina
Skorpio continues to go out (not too regularly, in fact) while the other records of the journals have closed down in 1981. Between 1991 and 1992 there will be an attempt to raise with the new magazine El Tajo but lasts only ten numbers. Also in Argentina Skorpio is a monthly magazine, is in Italy a week. Not only that: the week that the package must Eura also because there are two Lanciostory (and there are also attachments More with new material - good times, those!). Even with the material production Italian and Franco-Belgian, most boards are in short as possible. Preferably high quality of the Eura has always offered its readers and subjects without venture turns rough or too experimental.
Carlos Trillo is then co-opted by Stelio Rizzo, Sergio Loss and Philip Ciolfi that will work almost exclusively on projects specifically designed. If in previous years to identify with the Eura Carlos Trillo was very strong, between 1988 and 1999 will become automatic. Even the wildest stories or details which can hardly find a place on the weekly (as Cicca Dum Dum ) are proposed in the first instance, however, the Euro.
The most famous result of this partnership will Cybersix . But it is only the most striking example, one of the few who managed to carve out a popular outside the Italian journals, which are presented many other excellent comics produced exclusively, almost all worthy of reprinting.
In 1991, another key figure who creates the next year comes to Skorpio which still continues: Clara de Noche , designed by Jordi Bernet and written with the collaboration of Eduardo gagman Maicas.
the late '90s, however, just Cybersix will be the stone of the scandal that will divorce Trillo and Eura. Carlos Trillo and virtually disappears.
In late 2000, Black Spot (ie Francesco Coniglio) public Like life, comics experiment from its original format designed by Laura Scarpa.
Meanwhile on Skorpio continues Chiara di Notte but other comics Trillo appear only after their transit through other markets where the rights are purchased is the case, for example, Bird (translated as L ' broken wing on Skorpio 31, 2001) and the cat Neferou ( Skorpio 24/2004).
present the production of new and old Carlos Trillo is published in Italy by Edizioni 001, Allagalla, Aurea, Coniglio Editore, Kawama Editorial Planeta De Agostini and St. Paul.

Minimum Bibliography:

1) speeches and critical essays by Carlos Trillo :

The Eternauta Nos 6 and 10 Editions Productions Cartoons, in August 1982 and December 1983 (action by Carlos Trillo limited to a few lines also appears in Number 3, May 1982)

Abril in Buenos Aires , in line ¡ Latina! - Comics between Italy and Argentina (Edizioni secret papers, the exhibition catalog of the same name which took place from 20 December 1992 to 25 January 1993 at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome), written in collaboration with Guillermo Saccomanno

Historia de la Historieta - history and stories of the Argentine comic , Proglio Editions, 2007, written in collaboration with Guillermo Saccomanno

2) critical interventions on Carlos Trillo :

Special Eura , Lucca Comics, 1994

Fumo di China No. 28, 1995

Fumo di China No. 53/54 , 1997

Fumo di China No. 138, February 2006 (previews of upcoming work)

3) interviews :

Fumo di China No. 20a, July / August 1993

The man who looks (before writing) in Blue No. 56 Blue Press, October 1995

Fumo di China No. 39/40, 1996

Smoke of China No. 51, 1997

Fumo di China No. 65, 1999 (in tandem with Juan Gimenez)

A Trillo for every occasion, in comic School No. 1, Rabbit Press, June 2002

Carlos Trillo was a frequent guest of the book or article on clouds Lanciostory edited by Luca Raffaelli, which is a valuable source of information although the formula of the weekly informal chat obviously does not allow too much detail (not in the short term at least). Specifically, we find the following numbers Lanciostory :

32-35/1995 24-25/1994 (in tandem with Eduardo Risso)
22-30/1996 (in tandem with Roque Vitacco)
32-36/1996 1-2/1997
41-44/1997 38/1997 15/1998
25-26/1998 10-12/1999 (the latter also targeted Hugo Pratt and the birth of the relationship between Italy and Argentina)

4) Argentine history of comics:

Historietas - History, cartoon characters and the Latin American routes (Mazzotta, 1997)

¡Linea Latina! - Comics between Italy and Argentina (Edizioni secret papers catalog of the exhibition of the same name which took place from 20 December 1992 to 25 January 1993 at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome)

Oesterheld Donde esta? - Comic argentino desaparecido (Lo Scarabeo, 2002)

Historia de la Historieta - history and stories of the Argentine comic (Proglio Editions, 2007)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Difference Between Herpes Folliculitis

cartoonists of invention! - 7

I would like to integrate fun and interesting volume of Alfredo Castelli with other 'comic invention "and the like. In bold
Categories I put in a single signal and the reference page of the original text.

Off topic: cartoonists not invention: Quote, caricatures, cameos, biographical comics, and self metafumetti; parodies
CITATIONS, caricatures, CAMEO (p. 61)

(Italy 1980, Frigidaire , © Primo Carnera Publisher, hard boiled, parody)
Filippo Scozzari [from a screenplay by Raymond Chandler]

From a screenplay by Raymond Chandler recovered by Oreste Del Buono who proposed to Scozzari.
returned home with buddies George and Buzz, Johnny finds himself embroiled in a murky affair and charged with the death of his adulterous wife.

Pseudofumettisti: Filippo Scozzari appears at the end of the story killing Chandler with their pencils.

Cartoonist As actors - SERIES (p. 19)

(USA 1966, Showcase 62, © DC Comics superhero parody)
E. Nelson Bridwell (T), Joe Orlando and Mike Esposito (D)

The Inferior Five are a group of offspring of superheroes comic superheroes inspired by DC Comics cosmology. The characters are almost all the pathological cases and there is no trace of politically correctness, probably also because of the difficulty of managing this type of material embarrassing proposals to reboot the series that periodically some writers have advanced to the DC have not yet materialized .
Merryman, the leader of the group, must be very popular since Grant Morrison has taken off in limbo Animal Man and Superman in the special Infinite Crisis.
Pseudofumettisti: Myron Victor, Merryman's secret identity, is a cartoonist.

[TV] Cartoonist AS occasional co-star (p. 119)

(USA 2008/2010, 3 seasons , 33 episodes)
Drama, AMC, created by Vince Gilligan. With Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul
When she discovered she had cancer at the advanced chemistry teacher Walter White began to produce methamphetamine and providing for the disposal to ensure a decent future for his family after his passing.

Episode Over (2009)
Written by Moira Walley-Beckett
Jesse's girlfriend, strafattissimo "member" of Walter, rinviene sketches made by young boy who portray superheroes.
Pseudofumetti: projects for Hoverman (Silver Surfer without a surfboard), Kangoo-man & Joey (a hybrid human / kangaroo with a server located in its pouch), Rewindor (with the ability to walk quickly back, originally thought to call Jesse backward)

Off topic: cartoonists not invention: Quote, caricatures, cameos, biographical comics, and self metafumetti; parodies
METAFUMETTI and self ' (p. 64)

(USA 1963, My Greatest Adventure 80, © DC Comics, superheroes)
Bob Haney and Arnold Drake (T), Bruno Premiani (D)

In issue 121 of the eponymous series Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani appear in person to asking readers to save their people from death. It was an invitation to buy and distribute multiple copies as possible of the head, whose sales were not sufficient: Petitions from the publishers to save a series would in fact born until long after.
The rest is history: the actual sales were not enough, readers did not feel with the right incidence and Doom Patrol became a cult comic with several reboots until the ephemeral triumph of Grant Morrison.

Make Up Tips For Women In Their 30's

Hermann has made a long journey. He bristled
-tracks that lead to the sea from Ithaca, forgetting of his land, to find her in a dream. He knew
battles with which man has erased his own footsteps and raped the mother's womb waiting.
He kissed the ground and suffering loved trees, their first and last breath, the sweetest, the reunification with the mother's womb. He knew
laugh and jeer at himself when, looking in the mirror, he acknowledged their miseries and has painted red, so that they could be of a warning for every crime committed against the weak, the dispossessed, the marginalized.
He denied himself, trampling their roots and reborn from its dreams.
We gave the gift of a film ever made, imaginative, as raw, telling her visions in chapters of human history.
It is dressed in pure white in Love " now trust me, trust me .... laugh again and this time it will 'for us ... a reflection of uncontrolled a caress, a gesture, sometimes a return - The planet perfect ", as fiery red urlarci for all human wickedness" but under the heavens there is a huge land deal in common and destroy the rules to build - "Moses .
caught us by not make us forget that Creation is a mother and daughter of the female nature of Humanity and it may be only hope of redemption and to accommodate future " mother of all poets, collect only the children of misfortune and then removed, put on gloves, put claws to forget the seduction for journalists and the attention to the black bags and then returns home, prepares the bread and your men do not miss the tears - "Love is talking .
He whispered Soul with suffering, which" frees the error only if free is the grace ... let me caress her eyelashes and the memories of love burning in my chest and do not forget the words of the eyes, the last breaths and begin to breathe - " Advanced listen."
Hermann knows that in dreams it contains the seeds of revival and tells us " I saw a dream in the depths of which I speak, that leads me to not fall and do not forget " and even " but my song of life ' love, my life is crazy love - "I have seen" and yet " And suddenly the silence about the love so far left out of the clouds so close to the sea as well face the impossible that you want to touch as the stars that are attracted to explode and create - " Ahab in New York " "Love is the only means to re-generate.
He immersed his feet in the mud of human misery, "the king is infallible in the exact center of the body sale shed their blood and you do not want even a shadow of a dream and the habit of the margin is only your desire "Monstre Sartre", " Where are you? Where are we all lined up to choose a style that decides for us dominating the past does not remove anything but tame with chewing "Good mornign, mr. Monroe ".
reminded us of the beauty of creation, the vastness of the sky that appears after a day of rain and the poetry that lies in the life of every creature " dawn and get out in the streets love is love that there ' and ' - "Johnnie and Jane .
E' in us, the work to be done every day, as a commitment for life, as sense to recognize in our every gesture. Hermann
reminded us a gift that is inherent in every human being, that of freedom of thought which we can not stop the limiting of our little daily world. In
our feet into the moist earth is what we are.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

List Of Dental Sayings

series Robin Wood in Italy - (from Forges Mute 55) of Lagash Nippur

In the good old days when we still thought that Robin Wood to write all his comics (but already leaked through some indiscretion I wrote a long piece which ended on Wood with a list of his series arrived in Italy. "And we hope not too many stupid things you have written" I said to introduce it on Mute Fucine 51. Here, indeed, I take this opportunity to update the blog and correct some things ...
And of course to expand the list with the new series of Wood appeared in the weekly after 2002.

of Lagash Nippur ( Lanciostory 28/83, 47/92 only by the number Nippur ) [and here the trouble starts]

is the fetish-character of Robin Wood, which should make its debut and its popularity in the field of comics. At least, the legend: the very few official biographies of the 1965 Wood dating his first screenplay, and it is read several times that it must be the one History of Lagash that the character was born. [No: the first story published by Wood is free to the war Aqui retirada designed by Lucho Olivera and published D'Artagnan 135 in 1966 ] The good old Nippur could then claim a life thirty years, ended only when Wood commitments have not allowed more production. [ Historia para Lagash appeared on D'Artagnan in May 1967]
summarize the general plot of Lagash Nippur is not simple and At the same time, it is unnecessary. It is in fact a series composed of purely self-contained episodes, grouped at most in a single arc divided into several parts. But the fact that the first episodes are unusual in Italy has taken away the "origins" of Nippur. Here we met when we had already experienced a few adventures, where deep scars remain, however: the very first episode we learn that Nippur had fought in Egypt and the death of his beloved queen led him to wander in search of a break that soothe the soul. But his wandering course will offer only the opportunity to experience new adventures, some of titanic proportions (save Egypt, will become king of Lagash, will join the Argonauts, etc.).. Like our Tex Nippur ° also has had to deal with situations fairly unusual in a comic adventure from the historical connotation rather clear: in addition to various wizards and sorcerers from superhuman powers has also met with extraterrestrials! [And time travel, and computers on a mysterious ancient civilization, and underground monsters ...]
The series has gone through several design changes. First there was Luis "Lucho" Olivera, but its contribution has not arrived in Italy. The reason is easily understood: in the mid 60s the artist was not the "monster" Series of Fantasy and its testing Nippur left much to be desired. No coincidence that the English edition on Mark 2000 first episode begins with the Italian. In past years, Columbia has reissued the series since it is unlikely that the early episodes were lost, as it did not have a strict continuity and that they were designed will be pretty bad start to the Euro seemed natural to the publication by the significant episodes designed Olivera but always in equipo with talented brothers Villagran (in fact engaged for years in the U.S. market). In these stories made the study Nippur IV is not always easy to say "who did what," although Ricardo Villagran is notable for a greater majesty and a great job of chasing her brother Enrique suddenly softer. [In fact, the stories were always credited to the proper design, and even if the share of a study has naturally led to collaboration among its members, there are no stories signed "Nippur IV"]
Lucho Olivera abandon series after a while '(difficult to say precisely when) [ D'Artagnan 273, February 1972, and still return occasionally until 1975] and pass the torch to Villagran just that, depending on the time, work together or take turns. [No, "the Villagran," in fact the only Ricardo, will draw the series spin-off of Nippur de Lagash that appear on the comic book of the same name from 1972 and then in 1979 will be the basis of the new magazine Columba Nippur Magnum ] Many other designers have come and gone on Nippur and of course primarily assistants are holders of the artists: Victor Ricardo Villagran Toppi and Eduardo Barreto for Enrique and Jorge Zaffino. [Toppi was never credited but you can see his signature in a few episodes, Barreto Zaffino appear, however, very far in the series,] Under the direction of the latter study assumed the collective pseudonym of Sierra Gomez, but it is very likely that the last episodes made under this nom de plume were just the work of Enrique Villagran. [Gomez Sierra is always Enrique Villagran, most obviously his various collaborators] In Italy we have seen from mid-80s: the line had become very quick and simple. After the "Sierra" was the turn dell'improponibile Mulki [No, Mulki had already designed a few episodes earlier, in 1972, replacing about Olivera D'Artagnan ] , from which the Eura managed to escape only after several years and many episodes, when it passed of Lagash Nippur under the direct production of the Italian publishing house. A substitute was then designated the talented Daniel Müller, who, after an inevitable break-in period (they tend to draw Nippur with a huge nose) proved worthy follower of the series is perhaps one of its best performers. But now Wood had embarked in the production of weekly Hel Martin, Amanda , Dago and new monographs and this, with the exception of some rare miniseries, occupied him to the point of having to discontinue many series and "freeze" new projects (for a while 'there was talk also of a prequel on the childhood of Nippur) [exists: it is El Joven Nippur Reart designed by Gabriel, although the design is now hosted on Lanciostory Skorpio and probably at that time his style was too "superhero" for the magazines] . It is not difficult to imagine how great was his sorrow in abandoning the series who had accompanied him throughout his career. [In 1998, several publications appeared on four episodes of Argentine Nippur next to those of Muller, one designed by Taborda for a special celebration of Columba and the other three from Sergio Ibañez between Nippur and Magnum Skorpio ]
In Italy missing from the body of the first episodes of the series designed by Olivera, an episode whose paternity raised some doubts in writing (but at least thirty episodes were written by "substitutes" such as Ferrari, Amezaga and the usual Fernandez), one designed by Taborda ( ever even released in Argentina, however) [came out, came out ...] , fill in the of Ibañez and Reart and perhaps the whole period of the infamous Carlos Leopardi. [not at all: in all the episodes of Nippur would be more than 450, at least three written by Jorge Morhain, in Italy we saw half] The latter would be situated in time immediately after the period Nippur IV but it's worth talking about now seen that its location (and its identity) is rather problematic.
Carlos Leopardi is a designer rather poor: the little we have seen him in Italy, the best evidence was the free With other eyes (on Skorpio 29/88), the that says it all! In front of his work on the Eura Nippur you will find reasonably puzzled. But Leopardi was found unfortunately have to explain a sequence of basic life Nippur: the loss of the eye (so to speak, the four episodes that are Euracomix 50, Wolves). Of course, we are in the field of hypotheses, but considering some of the reasoning factors might spin. [At least this one I hit it!] The four ugly incidents in which they were housed at Nippur becomes eyed Lanciostory without indicating the name of the designer: it could be anyone. Unfortunately, those episodes were so important that it can not be ignored even though the designs were very poor. Perhaps the Euro will have to accept that thought in silence the name of the new design: it was still a passenger who does evil would continue over four episodes. Years later, however, when the reissue of these stories on Euracomix , check out the name of Zaffino as head of the graphics. Eura Why should instead have used this trick to reprint that particular and "damn" story arc? If we read the biography of Zaffino proposal in the book we discover that the great designer was "in progress" for a number of Trillo and then, perhaps, the attribution of the drawings to him serves no other purpose than to " launch "a new project to be published on or Lanciostory Skorpio . But, ironically, Hoover was only released from Torpedo (at least for the moment) and the euro was limited to a free host with the same characters.
Obviously this is only hypothesis, and perhaps the "mystery artist" was a rookie Mulki. Certainly, however, those characters and that ink botched deformed have little to do with Jorge Zaffino (it was also very young) and very much reminiscent of the bad "wise men" that we had to Leopardi. The entrance of Nippur Zaffino up, then you should place only after a long time 'episodes than Wolves. Some details such as hands or mouths of the characters contour indicating a presence at the time of his' equipo with Barreto and Enrique Villagran. But they are only guesses and maybe things went completely differently.
To date Nippur is stable host Euracomix (and likely to remain for a long time) while it is already being replicated in full in three inserts tribute ["incorporated by" for as we have known in Italy , and in this case are not 100% sure] : Skorpio on from 45/93 to 22/94 and then on Lanciostory from 10/2000 to 20/2001 and from 21/01 to 4 / 03. This popularity was reached that figure in Argentina by the early '70s he was a magazine called Columba, which then was followed by yet another [Or better: in 1972, Columbia released by the swift albetti foliation reduced, still remembered as "comic book" by the Argentine players, using four of its leading personalities in an unpublished episode had more of a back-up feature variable - Nippur Magnum Todocolor would be born later, and conformed to the established standard journal-container house publisher] . We would also like a role-playing game from Argentina inspired by the character and his quote in Lex Arcana (more role-playing game, this time Italian).