Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Make Up Tips For Women In Their 30's

Hermann has made a long journey. He bristled
-tracks that lead to the sea from Ithaca, forgetting of his land, to find her in a dream. He knew
battles with which man has erased his own footsteps and raped the mother's womb waiting.
He kissed the ground and suffering loved trees, their first and last breath, the sweetest, the reunification with the mother's womb. He knew
laugh and jeer at himself when, looking in the mirror, he acknowledged their miseries and has painted red, so that they could be of a warning for every crime committed against the weak, the dispossessed, the marginalized.
He denied himself, trampling their roots and reborn from its dreams.
We gave the gift of a film ever made, imaginative, as raw, telling her visions in chapters of human history.
It is dressed in pure white in Love " now trust me, trust me .... laugh again and this time it will 'for us ... a reflection of uncontrolled a caress, a gesture, sometimes a return - The planet perfect ", as fiery red urlarci for all human wickedness" but under the heavens there is a huge land deal in common and destroy the rules to build - "Moses .
caught us by not make us forget that Creation is a mother and daughter of the female nature of Humanity and it may be only hope of redemption and to accommodate future " mother of all poets, collect only the children of misfortune and then removed, put on gloves, put claws to forget the seduction for journalists and the attention to the black bags and then returns home, prepares the bread and your men do not miss the tears - "Love is talking .
He whispered Soul with suffering, which" frees the error only if free is the grace ... let me caress her eyelashes and the memories of love burning in my chest and do not forget the words of the eyes, the last breaths and begin to breathe - " Advanced listen."
Hermann knows that in dreams it contains the seeds of revival and tells us " I saw a dream in the depths of which I speak, that leads me to not fall and do not forget " and even " but my song of life ' love, my life is crazy love - "I have seen" and yet " And suddenly the silence about the love so far left out of the clouds so close to the sea as well face the impossible that you want to touch as the stars that are attracted to explode and create - " Ahab in New York " "Love is the only means to re-generate.
He immersed his feet in the mud of human misery, "the king is infallible in the exact center of the body sale shed their blood and you do not want even a shadow of a dream and the habit of the margin is only your desire "Monstre Sartre", " Where are you? Where are we all lined up to choose a style that decides for us dominating the past does not remove anything but tame with chewing "Good mornign, mr. Monroe ".
reminded us of the beauty of creation, the vastness of the sky that appears after a day of rain and the poetry that lies in the life of every creature " dawn and get out in the streets love is love that there ' and ' - "Johnnie and Jane .
E' in us, the work to be done every day, as a commitment for life, as sense to recognize in our every gesture. Hermann
reminded us a gift that is inherent in every human being, that of freedom of thought which we can not stop the limiting of our little daily world. In
our feet into the moist earth is what we are.


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