Friday, February 18, 2011

Menchie's Yogurt Machine Model Number

DAX series Robin Wood in Italy - (from Forges Mute 55) HERE THE LEGION

In the good old days when we still thought that Robin Wood to write all his comics (but some indiscretion already leaked through I wrote a long piece about Wood that ended with a list of his series arrived in Italy. "And we hope not too many stupid things you have written" I said to introduce it on Mute Fucine 51. Here, indeed, I take this opportunity to update the blog and correct some things ...
And of course to expand the list with the new series of the weekly Wood appeared after 2002.

Here legion ( Skorpio 36/82)

Wood had written other excellent comics before and Savarese Helena but the attention focused euro, after these first two proposals on a range characteristics much more popular. Here the legion adventure tells the story of a well-characterized group of legionnaires, led by the charismatic Max Chevalier. Among the personalities to be mentioned the aristocrat De Fontenac, the sarcastic and the mysterious Didier Bosch. Reread today, the plots seem almost abstract in their insistent revived the endless struggle between the men of steel legion and sinister (and a bit 'fuzzy) Bedouins. But with the succession of episodes in the nature of Wood is felt and requires the saga writer healthy injection of drama and pathos, baste very strong stories in which the rhetoric is functional to the narrative. With the legion Here is what Wood had failed to Foreign Legion, hosted a few years earlier on Skorpio : creates fascinating characters, if not believable, in their monolithic and can involve the reader in a game already seen at other times, but led with great skill. In the '70s some readers Lanciostory Skorpio and complained of poor adherence to the real hero of the series in which "won" more and no one ever died. With the legion Here other readers but complained of the ease with which their pets (see Lieutenant Kozakovitch) could be fatal!
Garcia Duran built up his leg with the rest of the series, but the quality of Kozakovitch & Connors was still far away. Apparently the designer had fond homage to the characters as Max Chevalier and his company in a short story in the early 90s.
rare instance, the legion of Here was also presented the following written by Armando Fernandez, however, drawn from an approximate Formento who had already replaced the first time Garcia Duran.
Here legion Wood and Garcia Duran was reprinted in insert ( Skorpio 44/90-52/91) and then the adventure Giants (No. 11, 14 and 20).


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